Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse: Your Horoscope and Ritual

Daughters of Astraea
6 min readMay 25, 2021

We are entering eclipse season! The total lunar eclipse on Wednesday, May 26 has an energy that is equated to a full moon x100. Really trust yourself in what you need to release. For me, it’s to release the grip of this inner mean girl I have within me, we’ll call her Self-Doubt. This lovely lady likes to sprinkle thoughts of toxic comparison all day every DAY. But as Gretchen said to Regina when she wore that pink velour jumpsuit in a high-pitched squeaky voice, “You can’t sit with us!”

The moon indicates and tells us what we do with our emotional realm. It affects our emotions, mood, and behaviors. Allow this ritual to help you step into your magic and your full potential during this total lunar eclipse.

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People often think that lunar eclipses are bad energy, but the ruling planet of Sagittarius, Jupiter, just entered Pisces. The planet of abundance will bring us all into a collective of shared compassion and spirituality. Jupiter loves to be in this sign so it will bring harmony and a kind of natural order. We will look for inspiration during this lunar eclipse and show ourselves that we are open to a new future ahead of us.

This lunar eclipse is about more than just releasing what no longer serves us. You may feel like doing something impulsive and you might want to just drop anything that makes you feel unhappy. There is a greater lesson to be had here as this is only the start of the eclipse season. Integrate this knowledge into the next solar eclipse happening in a few weeks!


  • I release feelings of self-doubt.
  • I release anything that prevents me from spreading my wings and flying my highest.
  • I let go of my worries and expectations so everything can work out perfectly.

Yoga Practice

This Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse fiery yoga practice will help guide you in releasing any self-doubt or anything preventing you from aiming your goals towards the sky where there are no limits. Flow with me during this full moon lunar eclipse happening whenever you need to release any self limiting beliefs.

Journal Prompts

Set a timer for 20 minutes and listen to some calming music. Grab a tarot or oracle deck, if you need more guidance for your answers.

  • What has been keeping me from exploring my true interests?
  • How can I seek out new truths and new perspectives to incorporate into my own understanding?
  • What is something I can do today to release one fear that I have to allow myself to step into my own destiny?


Read the following horoscopes for both your Sun sign and your Rising Sign. Your rising sign determines where all the houses or areas of life are set up in your birth chart and more accurate than your Sun sign. You can look up your rising sign by going to and entering your birth date, time, and location.

  • Aries: Allow this eclipse to ignite you in recharging what you are passionate about and broadcast it out to the universe. Recognize that you always have permission to slow down, rest, and tune into your emotions. But don’t let this stop your momentum towards fighting for what matters to you most.
  • Taurus: You came into this world to find beauty and harmony in the simple things in life. During this eclipse, connect to your vision and how you would like to show others the world through your eyes. You also came into this world to help others navigate their money situations. But try to create boundaries with those who don’t realize your full efforts.
  • Gemini: — Harness this eclipse energy to get curious about spirituality and the different modalities. Your public life on social media might even go through an expansion if you express your truth about your spirituality. Recognize that you have the ability to release the toxic relationships that don’t accept you for what you believe in.
  • Cancer: You most likely have been slacking off on your physical exercise and routine recently. And now you’re realizing that spring is here, which means more socializing and maybe more eating and drinking. That’s okay! You know what you need to do to balance the fun and discipline. This is also a good time for you to write and publish. Who knows, maybe you’ll write about your new exercise routine or about the new brunch spot opening up in your neighborhood.
  • Leo: You have the opportunity during this eclipse to look into what you would want to invest your money in. Do some research on some stocks, buying a new house, or investing in yourself by taking a nice long vacation abroad. Think about what you love to do because this plays a big part in where you would want to be in the future.
  • Virgo: Spirituality was not your thing until recently and you’ve begun to foster new relationships and even strengthened current relationships with your new common interest. You’ve got your new yogi friends and can talk astrology candidly with others. This is a whole new you! This is also a good time to upgrade your living space with plants, crystals, photos, and artwork.
  • Libra: This lunar eclipse will help you find inner peace and a sense of togetherness with others. When you think about how you can streamline your own workflow, find some time to find out how others do it by reaching out to them. You’ll find that they can give your ideas, which in turn will calm your energy if you have no idea where to start.
  • Scorpio: There is a link between your creativity and building your skill sets during this lunar eclipse. Use this energy to explore your creativity and release any control that you may have. Don’t be afraid to use color when you’re decorating your sacred space. Your intense connection to nature will also have you learning A LOT about plants and how to grow and nurture them.
  • Sagittarius: This lunar eclipse is in your sign so this will be especially potent for you. Start with a strong foundation in your life. What is it that you need for a strong base so that the other areas in your life fall in line? Your health is a great example of a strong foundation. Ensure healthy eating, getting caught up on your doctor check-ups, and prioritizing 7–8 hours of sleep every night.
  • Capricorn: During this lunar eclipse, go inward. Sometimes, we need to look within ourselves to find our inner strength. I invite you to write in a journal about how you are feeling. I know this may be difficult for you to figure out what you are feeling, but I promise that you will get better and better each day. Allow yourself to take up space and don’t let your feelings be caged.
  • Aquarius: You value expanding and nurturing a community of people who have shared passions and interests. Harness this lunar eclipse to release any expectations that you have from others and yourself. Just let your dreams guide you and your brilliance will naturally shine.
  • Pisces: You know that you are the universe, that we are all the universe. We are all a collective and in this together. During this lunar eclipse, bring attention to yourself for a change. Particularly your outward energy. You have the power to share expansive compassion towards all beings. Use this in your current profession and your outward image will change for the better.

Let us know in the comments what you plan on releasing during this lunar eclipse!

Victoria Nicole is a 500 hour Certified Yoga Teacher and Astrologer. She graduated with a BS in Neurobiology and Physiology with an emphasis in Human Behavior. She has always been interested in mind and bodywork. She fuses yoga and astrology to empower you to be your highest being.



Daughters of Astraea

A place where stargazers like you come for guidance on fulfilling their soul’s purpose through astrology, tarot, and yoga.